After all the excitement and busyness of Christmas we took our kids away for a week of camping and I did zero crafting... Yep, I said ZERO! Nothing, nada, zilch..
I can't remember the last time I had a complete break from everything, but it was AWESOME!
I have returned from holiday creatively refreshed and almost bursting with excitement with all the things I want to make this year! I am finding so many inspiring projects online (esp on pinterest, Facebook groups and Craftster)
Towards the end of last year, I made plans to lay off the Craft Swaps in 2012 - now here I am, almost at the end of January and I have already committed myself to 3 Craftster swaps, 5 on Swap-bot, 2 personal swaps, a Quilt Bee and 2 Quilt-a-longs! At this rate, I should be done with my 50 in 2012 (another craft-a-long) by Easter!
-- Oh, and inbetween all the crafting, I'm learning how to Blog!! Looking forward to sharing plenty of ideas, tips, tutorials and random crafty goodness here at Handmaden's in 2012.
Kate x
-- QAL linky goodness for everyone! Join me!

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